packages <- c("R.utils", "ape", "assertthat", "checkmate", "coRdon",
"corrplot", "devtools", "doParallel", "dplyr", "factoextra",
"formatR", "futile.logger", "ggplot2", "grid", "gtools", "kmed",
"lazyeval", "magrittr", "parallel", "readr", "stringr", "tibble",
"tictoc", "tidyr")
for (pkg in packages) {
library(pkg, character.only=TRUE)
This file is for running the process of extracting traits from genomes in microTrait and building trait matrices from the results. Thanks to Luciana Chavez Rodriguez for providing the starting code.
As a test, we extract traits from a single genome first.
result = microtrait::extract.traits("./data/all_fna/3300050821_10.fna",
out_dir = "./data/microtrait_output")
Now we extract traits in parallel. This step can take quite some time; if possible, batching the job is recommended.
genomes_files = list.files('./data/all_fna')
genomes_paths = file.path('./data/all_fna', genomes_files)
output_paths = rep('./data/microtrait_output', times = length(genomes_files))
message("Number of cores: ", parallel::detectCores(), "\n")
tictoc::tic(paste0("Running microtrait for ", length(genomes_files)))
microtrait_results = microtrait::extract.traits.parallel(genomes_paths,
ncores = floor(parallel::detectCores()*0.9))
tictoc::toc(log = "TRUE")
If batching is not possible and you are unable to run the above chunk in one sitting, this code chunk will let you “find your spot” so you can resume extracting traits without starting over.
rds_files = list.files('./data/microtrait_output', full.names = F,
recursive = F, pattern = ".microtrait.rds$") %>%
sub(pattern = '.microtrait.rds$', replacement = '.fna')
genomes_files2 <- genomes_files[!(genomes_files %in% rds_files)]
genomes_files <- genomes_files2
genomes_paths = file.path('./data/all_fna', genomes_files2)
output_paths = rep('./data/microtrait_output', times = length(genomes_files2))
At this point, we have a folder containing .rds
of trait extraction. We load these outputs into a variable
rds_files = list.files('./data/microtrait_output', full.names = T, recursive = F,
pattern = ".microtrait.rds$")
microtrait_results <- lapply(rds_files, readRDS)
genomeset_results = microtrait::make.genomeset.results(rds_files = rds_files,
ids = sub(".microtrait.rds", "",
ncores = 1)
# export to access again later
saveRDS(genomeset_results, "data/genomeset_results.rds")