packages <- c("R.utils", "RColorBrewer", "ape", "assertthat", "checkmate",
"coRdon", "corrplot", "dendextend", "devtools", "doParallel",
"dplyr", "factoextra", "formatR", "futile.logger", "ggplot2",
"grid", "gtools", "kmed", "lazyeval", "magrittr", "parallel",
"pheatmap", "readr", "stringr", "tibble", "tictoc", "tidyr", "vegan")
for (pkg in packages) {
library(pkg, character.only=TRUE)
# bioconductor packages
# everything else
genomeset_results <- readRDS("data/genomeset_results.rds")
This file goes over trait selection from the microTrait outputs.
MAG metadata from sequencing was stored in a TSV. To help identify MAGs, their taxonomic information is extracted and appended to the clusters as strings approximating GTDB format.
# extract taxonomy
bw_gtdb_tax <- read_tsv("data/metaG_coassembly_all_metabat.tsv") %>%
select('Bin ID', Domain, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus)
## Rows: 817 Columns: 22
## ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## Delimiter: "\t"
## chr (11): Bin ID, Bin Quality, Bin Lineage, Domain, Phylum, Class, Order, F...
## dbl (9): Completeness, Contamination, Total Number of Bases, 5s rRNA, 16s ...
## lgl (1): ...1
## date (1): Date Added
## ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
## ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
colnames(bw_gtdb_tax)[1] <- 'id'
# remove prefix in bin ID to match with bin_counts
bw_gtdb_tax$id <- sub("^3300050821_", "", bw_gtdb_tax$id)
Various traits are selected from the trait matrix in
for analysis.
Here we select traits at the highest level of granularity. Many traits are continuous, but since we only care about whether they are present, we convert them to binary data. Column names are also separated out, mostly as an optional step for quick reference.
bw_all_traits <- genomeset_results[['trait_matrixatgranularity3']] %>% microtrait::trait.continuous2binary()
## Warning: `funs()` was deprecated in dplyr 0.8.0.
## ℹ Please use a list of either functions or lambdas:
## # Simple named list: list(mean = mean, median = median)
## # Auto named with `tibble::lst()`: tibble::lst(mean, median)
## # Using lambdas list(~ mean(., trim = .2), ~ median(., na.rm = TRUE))
## ℹ The deprecated feature was likely used in the microtrait package.
## Please report the issue to the authors.
## This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
## Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
## generated.
# all_traits_colnames <- colnames(genomeset_results[['trait_matrixatgranularity3']]) %>%
# remove undetected traits
temp.1 <-[,2:192])))) # out of 191 total traits + excluding 'id' column
erase.1 <- temp.1 %>% filter(V1==0)
erase.1$row_names <- row.names(erase.1)
bw_all_traits <- bw_all_traits[, !(names(bw_all_traits) %in% erase.1$row_names)]
# remove prefix in bin ID to match with bin_counts
bw_all_traits$id <- sub("^3300050821_", "", bw_all_traits$id)
Upon further investigation, it was found that the majority of the MAGs contained these traits. Thus, they were considered unhelpful for the present work. The code remains here for posterity but serves no purpose for the remainder of the document.
bw_ccd <- bw_all_traits %>%
select(starts_with("Resource Acquisition:Substrate degradation:complex carbohydrate depolymerization"))
bw_ccd <- cbind(bw_all_traits$id, bw_ccd)
colnames(bw_ccd)[1] <- "id"
# ccd_colnames <- colnames(bw_ccd) %>%
After some preliminary analysis, it was found that most transport traits were irrelevant except potentially tri-, tetra-, and oligosaccharide transporters. Thus, all but these three were excluded.
bw_transport <- bw_all_traits %>%
select(ends_with('oligosaccharide transport') | ends_with('trisaccharide transport') | ends_with('tetrasaccharide transport'))
# note: carb derivative transport trait undetected
bw_transport <- cbind(bw_all_traits$id, bw_transport)
colnames(bw_transport)[1] <- "id"
# transport_colnames <- colnames(bw_transport) %>%
Of the several CAZyme classes, microTrait detected only genes in the
glycoside hydrolase (GH) families, so we select and analyze these,
considering them indicative of bacterial decomposers. Also, the GH genes
are stored in hmm_matrix
rather than
Selection of GH genes from the HMM matrix was done manually, based on
three qualities. First, all GH genes follow the naming convention “GH#”,
where # is the GH family number (e.g., GH23). Second, there are
relatively few GH genes (41 in this case). Third, the GH gene columns
are clustered together in the matrix, making their isolation
straightforward and trivial. To replicate this process for a different
data set, filter hmm_colnames
with the search term “GH” and
find the results following the GH naming convention. Check that the row
numbers (which correspond to column numbers in hmm_matrix
are consecutive, then use those numbers as the selection range.
Chitin-associated and/or overabundant GH families were excluded. Please refer to the main thesis document for the logic behind these decisions.
# separate hmm_matrix and colnames from genomeset_results
hmm_matrix <- genomeset_results[["hmm_matrix"]]
# hmm_colnames <- colnames(genomeset_results[["hmm_matrix"]]) %>%
# selecting GH genes -> 41 total
bw_gh <-$id, hmm_matrix[,1792:1832])) # gh genes: "GH#"
bw_gh[,2:42] <- lapply(bw_gh[,2:42], as.numeric) # convert to numeric
bw_gh[,2:42] <- bw_gh[,2:42] - 1 # fix offset (binary)
colnames(bw_gh)[1] = "id"
# exclude GH genes not detected -> 40 total
temp.1 <-[,2:42]))))
erase.1 <- temp.1 %>% filter(V1==0) # only GH7
erase.1$row_names <- row.names(erase.1)
bw_gh <- bw_gh[, !(names(bw_gh) %in% erase.1$row_names)]
# excluding GH genes - doing stepwise for safety, basically. may merge later
# exclude chitin-only GH genes -> 36 total
erase.1 <- c('GH18', 'GH19', 'GH20', 'GH23')
bw_gh <- bw_gh[, !(names(bw_gh) %in% erase.1)]
# exclude GH genes that include chitin -> 35 total
erase.1 <- c('GH3')
bw_gh <- bw_gh[, !(names(bw_gh) %in% erase.1)]
# exclude overly abundant GH genes (more than half the MAGs) -> 33 total
temp.1 <-[,2:36]))))
erase.1 <- temp.1 %>% filter(V1 > 408)
erase.1$row_names <- row.names(erase.1)
bw_gh <- bw_gh[, !(names(bw_gh) %in% erase.1$row_names)]
# remove prefix in bin ID to match with bin_counts
bw_gh$id <- sub("^3300050821_", "", bw_gh$id)
To analyze both GH and transport traits, we simply merge the data frames. At this point, we are trying to isolate the decomposer genomes from the rest of the MAGs, so we do this here as well based on presence of the traits we selected earlier.
bw_gh_transport <- merge(bw_gh, bw_transport)
# get colnames
bw_gh_transport_colnames <- colnames(bw_gh_transport) %>%
# select decomposer MAGs -> 795 total
a <-[2:37]))
a <- cbind(bw_gh_transport$id, a)
colnames(a)[1:2] <- c("id", "V1") # dummy names
erase.1 <- a %>% filter(V1 == 0)
bw_gh_transport <- bw_gh_transport[!(bw_gh_transport$id %in% erase.1$id),]
# append taxa
bw_gh_transport <- merge(bw_gh_transport, bw_gtdb_tax)
# select bacterial MAGs -> 790 total
erase.1 <- c('Archaea')
bw_gh_transport <- bw_gh_transport[!(bw_gh_transport$Domain %in% erase.1),]
This step mostly just exists so different Rmd files can access the same data.
save(bw_gtdb_tax, bw_all_traits, bw_transport, bw_gh, bw_gh_transport, file = "data/traits.RData")